Welcome to Consilia Libera

Providing independent and competent advice – the guiding principle of Consilia Libera We advise in business areas in which we have proven experience and competence

Our focus is on advising companies and wealthy private individuals with difficult strategic matters and supporting the implementation of decisions made

Given our years of experience we are familiar with both sides of the consulting business (both the entrepreneur and consultant perspective) and have learnt to listen to the entrepreneur in order to be able to develop the best possible solution

We work thoroughly and efficiently and are loyal and discrete

Dr. Ulrich Rummel

Dr. Ulrich Rummel has long-standing experience of both sides of the consulting business, as attorney as well as in the role of Chief Financial Officer of an international medium-sized group

He started his career as attorney in international law firms specializing in Mergers & Acquisitions and company law. For more than nine years Dr. Rummel exercised the role of Chief Representative and confidant of a family of entrepreneurs und worked as CFO and Managing Director in family-owned enterprises at home and abroad. He managed the Single Family Office and was also a member of the supervisory boards of financial companies as well as board member of a charitable foundation. He graduated in Law at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main and at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago. He trained as a bank employee with Dresdner Bank AG

In 2011 Dr. Rummel launched his own practice as a business consultant

Core Industries:

Capital Goods Industry, Trading, Regulated Industries, Real Estate and Agricultural Property, Pharmaceutical Research

Countries and Regions:

Europe, North America, China, Japan, Some MENA States

Fields of Expertise

Strategic Consulting

We advise entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals on difficult strategic matters, in particular with respect to conflicts involving shareholders, crisis scenarios, mergers and acquisitions of companies and Incorporation of companies and joint ventures abroad

We develop realistic solution scenarios and guide our clients until the decisions taken have been successfully implemented

Mergers & Acquisitions

We structure and negotiate company acquisitions and sales, asset deals, mergers and joint ventures at home and abroad on your behalf

Similarly, we offer you advice regarding your private capital investments which may take the form of venture capital or private equity investment schemes

Management of Shareholdings

In particular, with regard to financial investments in companies, the investors seldom fulfill their supervisory and oversight functions to the full extent. They often rely on lean ad hoc reporting. If the company reports a slump in revenue or undergoes a crisis, the investors have little room for manoeuvre

We provide comprehensive management of shareholdings. We thereby ensure that your participation rights will be effectively exercised and a prompt response provided in a developing crisis scenario. Upon special request we will also act as supervisory and advisory board members

Real Estate, Agricultural and Forest Property

Nicht nur in Zeiten langanhaltender Niedrigzinsphasen werden Immobilien sowie auch zunehmend land- und forstwirtschaftliche Ländereien als attraktive Kapitalanlagen angesehen.
Sie können einen wertvollen Bestandteil eines generationsübergreifenden Vermögensaufbaus bilden

We can support you with acquisitions and sales in this asset class. We have special experience with the acquisition and management of agricultural and forest property and land in Europe and North America

Succession Planning and Asset Transfer

We are conscious of the sensitivity and complexity surrounding succession planning and asset transfer to subsequent generations which often present the entrepreneur with the most difficult of tasks. Furthermore, neglect of succession planning may pose a risk to the preservation of company assets

We will identify those succession rules that best suit your needs, walk you through structuring and support you with its substantive implementation. Likewise, we are there to support you with asset transfers to subsequent generations

Family Office Services

You are considering the idea of joining a Multi Family Office, forming your own Family Office or own family asset management company

We will identify the advantages of the organizational forms that are of most relevance to you, explain the regulatory environment and assume responsibility for the structuring and formation of a Family Office as well as all its organizational units

If you already have a Family Office or an asset management company, we will obviously support you with its management or control


We are pleased to cooperate with our clients’ trusted advisors. Upon request we can also recommend highly qualified tax advisors and auditors as well as financial institutions and other companies with whom we have successfully collaborated over many years


Our services are based on a fee agreement according to the time spent which depends on the work required or requested. Our hourly fee arrangement offers you a transparent overview of the costs involved and ensures effective cost control

Economic Added Value

Due to our long-standing experience in the business community, we are aware of the sensitivity surrounding the substantial costs incurred in involving various consultants and consulting teams in transactions and projects. If entrusted with transaction management, we can ensure through efficient cost control that the expense involved will be limited to what is appropriate and proportionate and excessive costs avoided